The Demon's Sc...
By K_Blackwood
  • Vampire
  • action
  • dark
  • darkhumor
  • darklove
  • darkromance
  • friendstolovers
  • killer
  • magic
  • psychic-abilities
  • romance
  • vampire
  • vampireseverywhere
  • vampirewerewolf
  • werewolf
  • werewolvesandvampires


The Dark City Chronicles ⁓ Book Two The stakes have never been higher! The Demon's Scion is a darker sequel to its predecessor. Spicy romance, action, seductive vampires, gutsy werewolves, sprinkles of dark humour, and, as always, the everlasting bonds of friendship. Trying to keep her newfound family alive is an endeavour when they're in firefights with crazy cultists, brawling with werewolves, and giving the middle finger to fate itself. Hannah wouldn't give up the headache that is her insane life because she's finally found a place where she belongs, and she'll do anything to keep those she loves safe. Kane, admittedly, might have taken his screw fate mantra too far, and now he's a slave to an idiot vampire that isn't even responsible enough to have a bank account. He's slipping, but he'll need to keep swinging his sword if he wants to keep them both alive and everyone else that's counting on him, because their foes aren't stopping, no matter how many he cuts down. An unwilling star of a twisted play perpetuated by a vampire that went mad centuries ago, Reid is trying to find his feet with his new, blood-drinking lifestyle while fighting to stay one step ahead of their enemies. He's inherited a power that could have him burned alive, but to beat the monster that's plagued his nightmares since the murder of his mother, Reid will have to fall farther than he's ever dared-and hope that love is bright enough to guide him back from the brink. [COMPLETED]


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The Demon...
by K_Blackwood