Traverse Across the...
By zeroprime000
  • Fanfiction
  • amphibia
  • backtothefuture
  • bttf
  • crossover
  • ninjago
  • skullgirls
  • theowlhouse
  • wakfu
  • ốc


It's been 2 years since their long adventures. While no event arises after the "three Marty's" event was dealt with, Marty gets called by a childhood friend, Alexander Colin, saying he made something that'll shock his mind, saying to meet him at Lone Pine Mall's parking lot at night. When he arrives, he sees a trailer truck, opening it to reveal a motorcycle he is on. After demonstrating and revealing it was both a time machine & Multiversal traveling machine, he reveals the origin of its power after Marty questions it. Now knowing he ends up working with Doc on an experiment with the gem he showed to him, Alexander decides to drive the truck back first and then drop him off. After that, he let Marty hop back behind him. But when he rides a motorcycle, it begins to spark as Marty ends up jumping out of the bike after that dimensional travel was activated by itself, and witnesses him disappear in surprise. Shocked of his disappearance through the wormhole, he makes a run to Doc's garage, knocks on the door, and says that Alexander disappeared after the machine got sparked and activates the travel sequence by itself. Doc. Emmet Brown, shocked at the result, let Marty in for an explanation about the machine they made. He reveals that the energy itself can activate itself if anything is endangered to the multiverse, and added that the model wasn't ready for inactive dimension travel. With that, they need to find a way to get Alexander back home in order for the future and a new gem to power the screen that'll show them a variety of worlds. Project start: 2/21/2023 Published: 4/17/2023

OC: Alexander Colin

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by zeroprime000