Hindsight Is 20/20
By JodiFaye7
  • Romance
  • disfunctional
  • drugabuse
  • family
  • firstloves
  • heartbreak
  • husband
  • love
  • romance
  • selfharmawareness
  • toxic
  • truestory


Well I don't know weather to call this Romance or an autobiography of sorts. This is my story starting at age 15. Well for the most part I've left quite a bit of details out that I may edit in later when I finish. It's about my first love and heartbreak my struggles with my laundry basket of mental illnesses that will continue to multiply as my story goes on. It's just my story and it's probably not gonna be any good because well my life's not been very good. I don't expect anyone to actually read this honestly it's mostly for me to write it all out maybe after it's done I'll actually edit it and add more details that I skip over now . Who knows I guess we'll see. NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED though it seems like I'll just be referring to myself as she instead of Faye, but I am Faye in this story...

Where her story started

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by JodiFaye7