Imagine your OTP
By plusdanshiii
  • Random
  • anime
  • books
  • fanboy
  • fandom
  • fanfictions
  • fangirl
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • fictional
  • fictionalcharacters
  • manga
  • onetruepairing
  • otp
  • ships
  • tvshow


Just imagine. Chapters tagged * means it is not mine, mostly from Tumblr. This book is years old so unfortunately I could no longer track where my sources were to give proper credits. However, most Tumblr blogs which prompts I nipped off mention explicitly that their prompts are free to use without credits. Though if you know any prompts here that are taken from blogs that do not allow uncredited reposting (or reposting at all), please inform me immediately. :) Please do not engage in ship wars in the comment section under any circumstances. If you see a ship you don't like, or even a ship you find revolting, just move on. If you insist on fighting, do it with the other person in direct messages, but please, not in my book's comment section. Any fights and arguments will be deleted or reported when necessary.

Imagine i

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Imagine y...
by plusdanshiii