Werewolf On A Train
By Nilsdlund
  • Fantasy
  • alternateworld
  • anfylk
  • coffee
  • contemporary
  • elves
  • guilt
  • snow
  • therianthropy
  • train
  • travel


Werewolf On A Train is a flash fiction series with the intent of getting to know the character Alene. These stories are meant to flesh her out as a character - to get to know her and her life - before I start work on a full length novel with her as one of the two main characters. -=[ On Alene ]=- After the fourth and fifth chapter I felt that Alene's personality evolved in an uncomfortable and disturbing way. She was on her way to becoming a character I wouldn't be able to reliably portray and that wouldn't be able to fulfil the role she has to play in the upcoming story. As such I rest her personality and started it over from scratch in the sixth chapter. The story is still the same and what happened, happened. The Alene of the first five chapters isn't the same as the Alene of later chapters. -=[ A note on the Process ]=- I take between one and two hours per chapter. I try to write as fast as I can, with as few edits as possible to story and structure. Once done, I publish the piece - without proofreading. There will be errors and there will be plot holes and inconsistencies. However, there will also be no second guessing and no faking. It'll be as close as I can get it to the raw, unprocessed idea. Admittedly, this results in a rather lackluster story. However, if you want to read more about the world this takes place in, check out my novel Enar's Vacation instead. -=[ Therianthropy ]=- According to Wikipedia: Therianthropy is the mythological ability of human beings to metamorphose into animals by means of shapeshifting. It is possible that cave drawings found at Les Trois Frères, in France, depict ancient beliefs in the concept. The most well known form of therianthropy is found in stories concerning werewolves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therianthropy

The First Day

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by Nilsdlund