The Shadow #1: The...
By Angelbreeze-
  • Fanfiction
  • httydfanfic


REWRITING! ' Why Do You Shun Me When You Have Fallen? Why Do You Shun Me When You Have Fallen? ' _______________________________________________________________________________ An ominous presence stirred as the Sun's final rays slipped below the horizon, casting the land into darkness. Shrouded in mystery and danger, a new power emerged with the onset of twilight. A cascade of purple flames erupted, their fiery tongues reaching out hungrily to consume anything in their path. The air crackled with malice, and an aura of trepidation settled upon all who beheld this spectacle. None were spared from its wrath, for the purple flames spared no one. Amidst this chaos, a shadowy figure materialized, her countenance contorted into a sinister smirk. With teeth bared like a predator, the enigmatic being reveled in her newfound dominance. Her name was whispered in fear and awe-The Shadow. She possessed an arsenal of lethal weapons, her claws gleaming ominously in the dim light. Fear was foreign to her, for she embraced the darkness that enveloped her. Beware, for the arrival of the Night loomed ominously, signaling the demise of the radiant Sun. The world was thrust into an eternal night, where the moon's pale glow held sway. It was a time of survival, a battle for existence against the encroaching darkness. Those who dared to face the challenge were urged to be resilient and determined. The Sunre, a chosen few who dared to resist the Night's dominion, were called upon to stand firm against the relentless onslaught. But it was an arduous task, one that demanded unwavering fortitude. ____________________________________________________________________________


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The Shado...
by Angelbreeze-