To love a doctor
By Cassystarkrp_
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Jade grew up on earth.She wanted to know more about the universe.Over time she was able to get a degree in machinery(technician)and was assigned to a ship.She was to stay on that ship for at least two years before being transferred to the U.S.S. Enterprise.But at one point the ship was under attack and and everyone left alive was forced to abandon the ship in small shuttle crafts.Jade had a malfunction with her shuttle craft and crash landed on some unnamed planet.And has been stranded there ever since.The craft damaged beyond repairs.She avoids the inhabitance of the planet for two reasons.One,they have already tried to kill her.And two.She didn't want to risk messing with the destiny of the planet.But when she finally joins the Enterpise,she finds it hard to adjust.After being alone for so long.But one person out of the entire ship.One person that changes her life forever.The only person she will ever love.Leonard McCoy.


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To love a...
by Cassystarkrp_