Through Glass Walls...
By Knockyasocksoff2022
  • Fanfiction
  • alternateuniverse
  • bsd
  • bungostraydogs
  • bungoustraydogs
  • soukoku
  • âu


He sighs, leaning his head on my shoulder. "If I asked you to . . . Would you run away with me?" "Yes." Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya are in love. Dazai convinces Chuuya to sneak out one day and takes him to the beautiful small town of Ihatovo. Chuuya is sure this is the best night of his life and Dazai agrees until he passes out and has to be taken to the hospital. The doctors won't tell Chuuya what happened. That's the last time he sees Dazai. DAZAI OSAMU: has been hidden from the world most of his life by his aunt and father. But he's done with that! Against their orders and probably good sense he moves to the small town of Ihatovo to live a life he can enjoy. This includes reading depressing novels, attempting suicide, playing his violin, and eating more snow crab than anyone should. It does NOT include a certain ginger with lust for life. NAKAHARA CHUYA: now a doctor who left his stressful life in Tokyo behind for something more relaxing. Ihatovo was just supposed to be a stop on his journey but the familiar face of his old classmate or rather enemy Dazai Osamu draws him to the quaint little town. Chuya hates Dazai, because he left him. Dazai just disappeared and never spoke to him again. If he saw Dazai on the street he'd just walk right by. He can't ignore his curiosity over what happened to his old love, but is it more than just curiosity? He thinks he should at least make amends since he's here. When Chuya opens up his medical practice Dazai becomes his most frequent patient. He comes in with everything from small coughs to suspiciously even cuts. Chuya wonders about his ex-classmate and as the two grow closer things are bound to get interesting.


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Through G...
by Knockyasocksoff2022