Draknights, Path To...
By Ender174
  • Fantasy
  • buddyfight
  • fantasy
  • tcg


This Story takes place 4 years ago in an alternate timeline. At School, I was always the outcast and a bad student. I usually get scolded and ignored by the people around me. At the same time, It's no joke when I got mistreated by my Computer Science Teacher. Back then when I was young, I never do anything. My Parents even scolded me here and there and I even made tons of different enemies. The only thing I did was sit there, have my anger fueled and refuse to do anything about it. This story here is like what happenned if I changed all of that. Like I changed my destiny. Since I'm also a fan of Anime (such as Buddyfight, Cardfight Vanguard) and Cartoons (Sonic The HedgeHog), I thought why not I just add some references to it. Like Make it look like my own Imagination Crossover Story. It Sound Dumb but hey I might as well Try and Be creative about it. Anyways Enjoy. Disclaimer: Non of this is real, it's just pure fantasy world imagination this sort of thing.

Path To Liberation: Backstory & Characters

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by Ender174