what? i reincarnate...
By Kuntianakgg
  • Fantasy
  • comedy
  • fanfiction
  • fantasy
  • kyogre
  • legendarypokemon
  • maleprotagonis
  • ocean
  • pokemon
  • reincarnated
  • reincarnation
  • sea
  • system


when Ron wake up, he found out that he die and reincarnated as kyogre,killing monster on the sea and shock the world sending tsunami hundred meter with just moving fins and flood the world with just breathing, exposed by live streaming on the sea becoming the alpha Pokemon on the sea, exposing another legendary Pokemon and mythical to the entire world scientist: "what kinda creature are you?how can you send tsunami by moving your fins,is this even make any sense!" netizens: "what! this whale just control the sea and make Storm!" world: "what! there even more creature like this one? we don't know anything like groudon or rayquaza who live in ozone layer?" Ron: "I'm the god of sea and I just want to get strong to beat groudon and expand the sea" (Under some grammar checking, so please wait)

what I'm dead?

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what? i r...
by Kuntianakgg