Heal Your Life® is...
By thehappygoddess
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Oh my goodness! When is the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? Look at these ladies. Just LOOK at their magic! They are allowing their beautiful inner light to radiate through the absolute delight of being in costume. There is something liberating about putting on a wig and stepping into a room filled with other empowered women doing the exact same thing. Healing happens inside and outside of the "classroom." When a picture is worth more than a thousand words. Voices from the past were hollering in my head. "Your school pictures were not even good enough to buy when you were a child. Now, many decades later, and much of life showing on your face, it's only going to be worse." Kim's photography style was fluid and disarming. I found myself relaxed and simply smiling. As I looked at the final photos through tear filled eyes ... What I saw looking back at me was what I had always desired, an internal beauty reflected, mirrored on the exterior. Yet another wound washed by love on my road toward healing. The story continues." A deeper understanding into a "theme" party: Come as you are. Having Fun is Medicine for the Soul An idea adapted from Jack Canfield's work is having our coach graduates celebrate in a "Come As You Are" theme party. It's an opportunity to step into our "future self" and speak from that voice, sharing all that has been realized: thriving practices, new homes, financial freedom, travel, expanded relationships, etc. As we shared what the week meant to us, Meri decided to take her turn. During her share, she said, "You know Sandra, I didn't get it, this "come as you are" ... not even after you explained it." We all leaned in a little closer as she continued. "It was just now, sitting in this circle, listening to what everyone else is sharing that I "got it." Thank you for connecting! Watch for the dates to be announced for the 2019 Heal Your Life® Trainings! And may you glitter, shine, and sparkle! Love, Sandra - Happie G

Heal Your Life® is Medicine for the Soul

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Heal Your...
by thehappygoddess