Having completed his adventures in the Soul Society, Ichigo embarks on a new journey in a mysterious, supernatural high-school for monsters as a new transfer student. After a chance encounter with Moka Akashiya, he finds himself battling once more against everything ranging from ghosts, vampires, werewolves, school activities, a girl's love-bites, and maybe a proper education. Though probably not. Expect action, some romance, a large cast of characters, and varying degrees of comedy/cringe. Hope you enjoy! Credits: "Deathberry Under The Velvet Moon" is a crossover fanfiction of two popular Japanese manga: "Bleach" by Tite Kubo and "Rosario+Vampire" by Akihisa Ikeda. Credit to its characters, world, and lore go to both respective stories and their authors. This particular crossover story was inspired by "Romez", writer of "Bleach at Youkai Academy" and "Karakura Adventures". Author's Note: I generally like listening to music while reading or writing. Since I'm a big fan of Bleach's soundtrack, I thought it would be fun to insert some tracks within the story itself to help set the scenes for each chapter. A "Song fic" if you want to think of it that way. If you like, you can follow along listening to each track as you read. But if it's too distracting, feel free to ignore them.