By ananyaaxxax
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • bookclub
  • bookcovers
  • bookworm
  • competition
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  • fighting
  • library
  • mystery-thriller
  • romance
  • thriller
  • violence
  • wattpad
  • wattyawards
  • zombieapocalypse


" WHO A-ARE YOU " said amyra panting for breath. She was trembling and couldn't move due to the pain in her legs . Her face was covered in sweat mixed with her tears . Christine is a 24 years old working in CIA . She is half Indian and half American. She was born in New Delhi and got transferred to New York for her job . She is fair , tall and had brown long hair. Being born in an aristocratic family is not an easy job . She was taught to behave like an ideal lady . She had to study all the time to become prestigious and add name to the already renowned family . She loves cooking for her best friend Amyra and loves playing badminton in her free time . Amyra is 24 years old working in the CIA along with her best friend Christine. She was born in a middle class family. She completed her school and had to work part time to pay for her preparations in the CIA . Her father disagreed to support her in this case . Although her mother was a sweetheart and supported her in this. Her aim is only one :to help people . She cannot cook at all and loves reading in her free time. Christian Hodson is a hotshot detective working under the CIA. He's cold and doesn't really like talking to people other than the case . He doesn't like people invading his personal space . Words like love does not really exist in his dictionary. And his favourite thing is ....... does he even have a favourite thing? Nobody knows . Alex Warner, best friend of Christian and one of the best detectives working under CIA . He's known for his alertness and fighting skills . He's a professional and does not want to settle for anything less be it his professional or personal life. What would happen when both of them with different personalities come across each other ? Now that you've read it till now , you might as well take a look at the story. It will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat with its terrifying turn of events . So make sure you read it till the end. THANK YOU .


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by ananyaaxxax