Her Voice (Another...
By Lost_Alice
  • Fanfiction
  • fairytailhigh
  • music
  • nalu
  • schoollife
  • ships


Natsu is a new student at Fairy Tail High. He makes friends quickly with his athletic charm. He knows who Lucy Heartfillia is. But he doesn't see her often to get to know her. She's known as one of the best musicians in the whole school. Also she's a huge bookworm. But she loves music more. Lucy doesn't communicate by voice. When she does, she'll only do it to her closest friend. Lucy mostly communicates by music. She plays tons of instruments. Natsu one day is walking down the hall after school, when he suddenly hears piano music. The music is sad. He goes into the room Lucy is in silently. After hearing her play, Natsu wants to listen to more of her music. But even more then that. He wants to hear her voice. Will he get her to talk?

The New Student

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Her Voice...
by Lost_Alice