One Step from Perfe...
By Thiccie67
  • Fanfiction
  • alternateuniverse
  • dark
  • demondeku
  • demonizuku
  • izukuxharem
  • mhaxkny
  • muzandeku
  • muzanizuku
  • myheroacademiaxdemonslayer
  • requested


A sickly boy was born to a man and his wife. The boy was so weak half the time that the father constantly worried for him, paying for every medicine and doctor he could afford. The boy grew up confined to his bed envious of the people who could walk freely around, this anger grew throughout the years until his 18th birthday. His family was long torn apart by the Quirk War, his father becoming cancer on society even killing his mother and uncle. The father never gave up on his son still trying everything in his power to heal him, finally, a doctor came to try a new experiment on the boy. Once it failed like all the other medicines, the boy struck at the doctor expecting to do nothing to the man but instead he killed the man with a single hit. The treatment worked giving the boy immense power with a cost, he could no longer go into the sun. Thus centuries passed with the 'man' building an empire that would rival his father, still looking for what would give him his freedom and perfection. MHAxDemon Slayer Requested by az1234567777777777 On The Shelf

Ch.1 With The Smell of Blood

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One Step...
by Thiccie67