Beauty and the Beas...
By TamurilOfRivendell
  • Fanfiction
  • beautyandthebeast
  • fairytaleretelling
  • legolasxtauriel
  • lord
  • lordoftherings
  • lordoftheringsfanfic
  • lotrfanfiction
  • middleearthfairytales
  • reader
  • thehobbit
  • thehobbitfanfiction
  • thranduil
  • thranduilxreader
  • öf


A Beauty and the Beast inspired retelling with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village. When you take your father's place in the Elvenking's dungeons, you expect to stay locked down there for the rest of your life. After the king's son, Legolas, gives you a room to stay in, and your escape attempt ends rather differently than you had hoped, a tentative bond begins to slowly form between you and Thranduil himself. However, the past won't leave either of you be, as a tormented shadow lies upon his heart and the people from your village inch closer to the Elvenking's Halls. Things within the Woodland Realm are changing but can you truly melt the heart of the Elvenking? And should it even matter... when he is immortal and you are not?

Chapter 1

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Beauty an...
by TamurilOfRivendell