The Other Liberal
By Othervoice
  • Non-Fiction
  • abortion
  • blacks
  • conservative
  • democrat
  • gender
  • left
  • lgbtq
  • liberal
  • politics
  • racism
  • republican
  • right
  • trump
  • whites
  • working


Since 2008 I had been posting my opinions at online discussion boards. In late 2020 I started a blog called The Other Liberal as my own space to write longer more reflective pieces. These posts cover the period from December 2020 to March 2022. Some are abstract while others are more topical. Race is often dealt with, because unlike many Liberals I'm a working-class black man. I believe that Liberalism despite its shortcomings is still the best politics to ensure a freer and more livable America for all. To me that means a fair economy built on shared prosperity that benefits working people as well as the wealthy and huge corporations. Furthermore no one should be excluded from that prosperity because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. To me individual liberty is the equal right to every American. Whether you agree or disagree keep that in mind as you read these pieces that give a definition of Liberalism, deal with the poor, labor unions, Conservatives, the working class, and race.

Why I'm a Liberal

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The Other...
by Othervoice