☼♡ The Distant...
By Anais_Lavandula
  • Fanfiction
  • donnatellorottmnt
  • donniehamato
  • fanfic
  • leohamato
  • leorottmnt
  • mikeyhamato
  • mikeyrottmnt
  • mikeytmnt
  • milesmorales
  • raphaelhamato
  • raphaelrottmnt
  • raphtmnt
  • rise
  • riseleo
  • risemikey
  • rottmnt
  • spiderman
  • spiderverse
  • tmnt


After the battle with the Kraang, Leo had to be bedridden in the hospital for a while, while Donnie and Raph did their best to help clean up the city. Mikey was stuck at home, his hands and arms scarred from trying to open the portal to bring Leo back home. He hated the situation, he felt like had no one to really talk to and no friends. Desperately needing to get out of the house, he starts doing a nightly graffiti routine on the side of an abandoned building, to which he finds someone else doing the same. "I'm...Spider-Man." The voice says, attempting to break the awkward silence. Mikey's face lit up with a smile. He could already tell that they were going to be good friends. But there's a secret erupting from underground New York. Can they help in time? *ORIGINAL COVER ART IS NOT MINE, I GET THEM ALL FROM PINTEREST*

☯ Chapter 1 ☯

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☼♡ Th...
by Anais_Lavandula