A man once said; 'You can have anything in life, if you sacrifice everything else for it' Meaning; everything comes with a price. So before you go into battle, you better decide how much you're willing to lose. Too often, going after something that actually feels good, means letting go of what you know is right. And letting someone in, means abandoning the walls you've spent a lifetime building. Of course, the toughest sacrifices are the ones we don't see coming. When we don't have time to come up with a strategy, to pick a side, or to measure the potential loss. When that happens, when the battle chooses us, and not the other way around, that's when the sacrifice can turn out to be more than we can bear. ------------------------------------ The outside world isn't what we think it is. It's dark, it's cold, it's dangerous and it isn't the right place for a simple human to live. Life isn't always a love story like those cheesy fictions make it seem like. Bad things happen, things you cannot control, people you cannot control. And once they got their eyes on you... Let's just say you won't get rid of them that easy. Fighting won't solve it, you will be pulled back no matter what. Once they got their eyes on you, you'll be stuck. And that's exactly what Ella Parker is. Stuck. Stuck in a place she never thought excisted. Stuck with people she only read about in books. She's stuck with a bunch of vampires, and that only means trouble is on its way. Writer- directionerforlife1q Editor- rosaliesalvatore
Chapter 1