Reincarnated as the...
By StillUrsLove8
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • antagonist
  • assassin
  • drama
  • elves
  • fiction
  • funfic
  • gangster
  • immortals
  • mafia
  • maleleads
  • powerful
  • protagonist
  • reincarnation
  • romance
  • strongest
  • stronggirl
  • transmigrated
  • unrivaled
  • vampires
  • villain
  • villainess
  • witch


Jade Dela Cruz is an independent, a happy go lucky, and a strong woman. She is the daughter of a mafia king and queen but when her parents died she was kick out by the new leader of the mafia organization in her own house. She knows something, she knows what happened, she knows everything, but she turn blind eye about it cause she's scared because she still young at that time to get revenge to what happened to her parents. She was still young at that time to lead the whole organization so she couldn't do anything about it. Until she reached the right age, she joined an assassin organization and took revenge for her family. but what if she was reincarnated in a story she read before she died? to a woman she feels sorry for? to the woman she want to give justice to her death? to the villainess in the story of 'the king's wife'?


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by StillUrsLove8