The New Kid |Paperf...
By Yuyu1o1
  • Fanfiction
  • aus
  • paperfresh
  • sabsau
  • sans
  • sansaus


fresh has struggled with emotions his whole life, it's not like he couldn't feel them, it was just very subtle, and he had struggles showing them. when he was younger kids would make fun of him for not showing emotion. he didn't understand why. so he started faking it, and he was good at it. he had everyone completely convinced. only close friends and family knew the truth. but even then they didn't fully know other that his mom. he is a straight A student and in highschool, he's pretty popular and lots of people like him. he is very social people and has lots of friends. lots of people confess to him but everytime he denys them, it angers him when people he has never even met go on and on about how they love him. they don't even know him. and fresh has yet to catch feeling for anyone. but then he met someone.. a new student, Paperjam, or PJ. the moment he laid his eyes on him he felt his heart beat faster, his face heating up. they were so pretty.. over the next week or so he would just stare at PJ trying to get the courage to talk to him. but everytime he tried to approach them his nerves got to him and he gave up.

btw fyi

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The New K...
by Yuyu1o1