arknights: operatio...
By NabliNabli
  • Science Fiction
  • amiya
  • arknights
  • crossoverfanfiction
  • doctor
  • kaltsit
  • oc
  • perungamingau
  • scific
  • terra
  • terrainvita


Terra Invita!! by Max Pichardo. War... will never change but the concept will be directed at the other side. Humans are strange creatures, we are always separated by the smallest things that alien species might consider trivial and barbaric. We always think we are the first civilization in the universe, when they come to us we break ourselves and don't want to unite on our own ego. For 15 years humanity has encountered an alien species. No one knows her name but humanity calls her hydra. Part of humanity is struggling to stop these interstellar invaders, while many think that they are more advanced than us and we should just give in to them. And when the shouts of victory and flags fly proudly around the world. Humans who are against them are trying to finish off all the alien ships in the solar system. A victory for those who struggle while there is greatest failure for those who worship and serve aliens, while those who want to escape this is their destiny, while those who want to show that we are equal, see this as our failure as a species. 20 years after the war was won, a new generation has replaced the old, and in 2071, a meteor hit New Mexico and opened the gates to a world full of misfortune. (for those of you wondering I'm basing this story on a series of youtubers called perunGamingAU , the story might be a bit different from the series)

ch prolog v2

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by NabliNabli