The Secret Angel Se...
By MelanieGomez470
  • Romance
  • action
  • mafia
  • romance
  • suspense
  • thriller


18yo+....... Descriptive sex scenes, abuse, adult themes, violence. Adults only.... This series is copyrighted! This is book 1 in the series... Nate whispers to me "Mommy that's him... that's the man!" "Baby which man? The one from your dream? Are you sure?" "Yes momma, the one that's gonna save us." "Sweetie, no one will save us, unfortunately. I promise though I will find a way out of this mess." "Momma, we have to pray that he will." I am so focused on Nate that I don't see that this man has now stopped right in front of us. I slowly stand up trembling, and look up at him since he's quite taller than me and very broad shouldered. I thought my boyfriend Scott was in good shape, but this man has to be engineered. I start scanning around quickly making sure Scott hasn't come home yet. If he caught me even glancing towards another guy, it wouldn't end well. I start getting nervous praying that I don't get caught. "Can I help you Sir?" "Look I am not going to get involved, but here take my card. All it has is my phone number. Put it in your phone under Angel. When It gets too much, and you've had enough text the number with 911 and I'll get you out."

The Lonely Life

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The Secre...
by MelanieGomez470