The Incredibles x m...
By WilliamHarley0
  • Fanfiction
  • incredibles


This is a fanfic of one of my favorite Disney and Pixar movies ever, The Incredibles. During the glory days, Bob Par(Mr. Incredible) defends the world with superhuman strength, and even has his heart set up on marrying Helen Truax(Elastigirl), but along the way the hero gets sued after saving a civilian who attempted to commit suicide and didn't want to be saved and by putting even more civilians in danger after a bomb destroys half of a train track set, causing for the Superhero Relocation Program to be initiated. After a few years of settling in to their new life, Bob and Helen have four kids. Y/n the eldest son, Violet the daughter, who's just a few years younger than Y/n, Dash the second son and finally Jack Jack who is the youngest of the four. During the family's happy life Mr. Incredible gets called back into action to some island and goes behind Elastigirl's back about the whole thing, which eventually draws her to find out what's happened to her husband and then the three older children get dragged into it all after Dash runs away and of course Y/n and Violet get worried seeing as they'd get in trouble.

Movie 1 Bio

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The Incre...
by WilliamHarley0