In "A Kiss of Blood: Volume 1," we follow Sora, an ordinary high school girl who lives her life as human at day and vampire at night. As she tries to keep her true identity hidden from her classmates and friends, Sora is torn between her new vampiric urges and her growing attraction to Keigo, the school's most popular and mysterious boy. As Sora struggles to come to terms with her new life and her feelings for Keigo, she finds herself drawn into a world of danger and intrigue. She must navigate the complex relationships between vampires and humans, and learn to control her thirst for blood before it gets her into trouble. As the first volume in this thrilling series, "A Kiss of Blood" sets the stage for a dark and intense story that explores themes of love, desire, and the struggle to fit in. With its captivating characters and fast-paced plot, readers will be hooked from the very first page and eager to continue on to the next volume.