By PaulJFleming
  • Science Fiction
  • dystopian
  • dystopian-fiction
  • dystopian-future
  • sci-fi
  • science-fiction
  • sciencefiction
  • scifi
  • short-story
  • shortstory


Moving like a ghost through the fabric of solar society in the 23rd Century, Domino undertakes jobs which can't be done using official means. She's a free agent, a gun for hire, a mercenary who enjoys her work and performs with deadly efficiency - when required. Her clients are diverse, from individuals to the largest corporation our Solar System has ever seen, the mighty Aries Corporation of Mars. However, she is discovering that some jobs contain hidden dangers from those who seek to erase all evidence of their dealings, especially when a deal goes sour. Not all enemies are as easy to identify as uniformed militia from Mars, the members of the Twilight cartel on Mercury or the Brotherhood of Pirates. Some are even more clandestine and much more dangerous, for their influence could be anywhere, or maybe everywhere. When a recent snatch, grab and deliver job fails to positively conclude due to the untimely intervention of the Solar Rangers, Domino discovers just how deadly some of her clients can be as she is lured to Earth by the prospect of yet another job, only to discover she is the target. ** Domino is the second in the Chronicles Series of short stories set in the 23rd Century ** ** The first of the Chronicles is "Hijacked", for which the first chapter is on Wattpad ** ** The full novella of Hijacked is available through Amazon on Kindle **

1 Wastelands

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by PaulJFleming