By bethrocks3211
  • Fantasy
  • beauty
  • fairytale
  • love
  • lovemyreaders
  • mystery
  • sleeping
  • twins


WARNING: IF YOU ARE OKAY WITH BAD GRAMMAR AND BOOKS WRITTEN BY A 12 YEAR OLD ME, THEN BE MY GUEST. BUT DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU! *** Ethan Young is an 18 year old boy who is moving away from his two story home in Pennsylvania to a cramped apartment in Virginia. His father died in a car crash, and his mother couldn't pay for their spacious house anymore, so they had to move to their cramped apartment, 27B. When they arrived at 27B, Ethan met four people in the elevator. Tomas, Dane, Sadie, and Harper. When a horrible tragedy occurs, Ethan and Harper are catapulted into a fairy tale world. While they are there, Ethan finds out many secrets about his childhood he had never known before. Read this magical story with fantasy, love, and action. My cover is by WolfOfMagicWings on Deviant Art. --- CURRENT UPDATE! This was the first book I ever wrote - therefore I am a much more experienced writer now. This book isn't very good, and I suggest you read one of my more current ones. I am toying with the idea of rewriting this and changing the plot, but I am not sure yet. I will notify on here if I do. -Beth-

(Above - Ethan) Chapter One

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27B (COMP...
by bethrocks3211