Pokeshift. A pokemo...
By liquidkazuma49
  • Adventure
  • chara
  • charisk
  • frisk
  • pokemon
  • pokeshift
  • storyshift


"pokemons. interesting creatures. They mind there own and do what they want. there many types of pokemons. but the point I'm making is how we live with them. since there are pokemon. there are trainers. pokemons trainers so to say. hello. I don't believe you know me but I am professor asgore. I study pokemons for many years since we been locked away. humans and monster used to find a solution to live with pokemons. but time like those we were blamed for it since they are like us. but not to worry! I discovered that there are pokemons that followed us. and just so we can continue with peace with them. I created the pokeballs! these ball sharp things are used to capture pokemons. just throw one and they will shrink to fit in the balls. be careful. it might not succeed. but I'm going way off topic. those that capture pokemons are known as pokemon trainers. they can form bond with there pokemons and together will show other trainers how strong there bonds are. trainers can battle other pokemons as well as trainers. there also gyms for those that can take there chance on beating the championship! where the pokemon champion will faced them. who wins. well all about how strong your bond with your pokemon is. get to catching and become the best pokemon trainer there is!" I do not own poketale or storyshift. this was a idea that I been thinking of because I been playing pokemon. also it is charisk too. legendary pokemons appear as well. mage evolve and giga and other the other ones too.

chapter 1: The start of a pokemon journey

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by liquidkazuma49