Not All Storys Has...
By cassandra_brooks
  • Romance
  • collage
  • collegeromance
  • daddyissues
  • fun
  • idkwhatelse
  • neverletmego
  • ongoing
  • romance
  • smutmaybe


Please enjoy-author Alexandra akiro brooks, a brilliant and dedicated young woman, embarked on her collegiate journey with a fierce determination to conquer the academic world so that she could finally get the love she yearned for from her father. She was renowned not only for her remarkable intellect but also for her insatiable hunger for knowledge. Alice's days were filled with a relentless pursuit of academic success, where she delved into books, research papers, and complex equations. Her world revolved around lectures, seminars, and the library, where she sought to quench her insatiable thirst for learning. Her diligence paid off, and she consistently earned top marks, leaving an indelible mark on her professors and peers. Her brilliance was indeed unmatched, and she was destined for greatness in her chosen field. However, beneath the veneer of scholarly devotion, Alice carried a profound longing for love and human connection. She yearned for the warmth of companionship, someone to share her dreams, fears, and aspirations with. As Alice navigated the labyrinth of her collegiate life, little did she know that something unexpected would soon intersect her path. The universe(writer hehe) had a surprise in store for her, an encounter that would challenge the equilibrium of her carefully structured existence. She remained oblivious to the forthcoming twist in her life's narrative, which would offer her the chance to discover a different facet of herself-one not bound by equations and textbooks but driven by the complexities of human emotions.

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Not All S...
by cassandra_brooks