Turned Heart
By Lost_Little_Demon
  • Vampire
  • humangirl
  • kidnapped
  • love
  • survive
  • twisted
  • vampirepet
  • vampireprince


I'm 17 years old, it's a dangerous time now. Vampires, demons, many horrible creatures roam. They seem like humans, but with some features, you can tell what is what. Horns, fangs, and unusual eyes, many things to identify, but do not be tricked.. Many prey on us, and by each day, less save us. My brother was killed while fighting off a werewolf. He was my only friend since my best friend, Ron, was turned into a monster, a demon. Then there are kings. Vile, king of demons. Reth, king of vampires. Colossus, king of werewolves. Irith, king of hybrids. Grant, king of creatures. And lastly, King Vain, king of all. We humans live underground, dying and turning day by day. Hiding, risking our lives for food. My mother is Jane and my father, George. My name is Remedy. I am a human.

Chapter 1

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Turned He...
by Lost_Little_Demon