not mine by subbywubbyizuwu on Ao3 "Please-", his hands scramble at Katsuki's shoulders. He needs more, wants more, wants to cum; he's been on edge for so long, all evening in fact. The large bulge pressing against his thigh has him trying to shift down, to feel it against his cock or his hole, anything to get a little friction, a little pressure. Subconsciously, he clenches down and he's reminded of the plug inside him. "Daddy," with what little coordination he has, he grasps the hand still groping at his tits and drags it down to his ass, "I- I've been a naughty boy." Katsuki's eyebrows raise, his gaze focused and searing into Izuku's very soul, coaxing out an explanation for such a statement. And instead of explaining, because his tongue feels too heavy and glutinous in his own mouth to speak right now, he shows. Deku may top the Hero Billboard Charts but there's nothing he loves more than bottoming for his boyfriend in the bedroom