Cinderella with Cla...
By agvery
  • Werewolf
  • historical
  • romance
  • unique


Unedited rough draft! A world in which both shifters and humans live side by side, Ella was born into a life of privilege. After all, she was the town alpha's daughter. Yet, even so, her mother was taken by death during childbirth. For eight years of Ella's life, her father was the only parent she ever knew. However, that all changed when her father remarries. Yet, they were deceive by this woman pretend kind act. After Ella's father died in war, her stepmother true colors shined. She had a blacken heart that was filled with jealousy and hatred. Because of this, Ella became an omega in her own home. However, her spirit stayed pure due to the people who she treasured the most. However, everything changed as the prince came into her life. She didn't just find true love, but found her true density as a leader who would soon stop the war of a wicked sorcerer who plans on taking over their kingdom. She develops powers that are far beyond possible and unlikely friends that she never thought she would meet. Together, these characters develop a mythical world filled with devotion, betrayal and trust all before the ball and the clock strikes twelve.

Prologue "Farewell, I Love You"

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by agvery