Kyochu Retto X Far...
By JustyTurner
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • anime
  • drama
  • farcry
  • harem
  • horror
  • hunting
  • insects
  • kyochuretto
  • lemon
  • malereader
  • milita
  • mysterious
  • romance
  • videogames
  • villain
  • violince


Y/n L/n is a teenager High school who has been bullied and make fun at by most students including Kamijo. Disbite the midstream from the students his childhood friend name Oribe as well as her friend Naruse tread him well along with a few students in his school. He study survival situations as well as learning weapons in his free time, thinking he might need to learn these things in case something happened to him or anyone else with him and soon that time would come. He and along with his classmates were on the plane for theie trip when suddenly their plane was hit and crash at a unknown island which they immediately were attacked by giant insects along with a private militia called "The Predators" who seeks to hunt down humans for sport. With help with a resistance group known as "Natures Warriors" its up to Y/n to find his classmates, fight off gaunt insects and the private militia and get off the island before they will all die.

Main character

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Kyochu Re...
by JustyTurner