A New Age, of old s...
By AwSprite
  • Science Fiction
  • cybernetics
  • femaleprotagonist
  • fiction
  • murder
  • onc
  • onc2023
  • powers
  • religion
  • sci-fi
  • sciencefiction
  • telekinesis
  • truthandlies


In a world brought back from the brink of death 150 years ago, it's now 2208. Nova is a thriving metropolis of cutting-edge science and technology in Europe. It's less modern 9 sectors are stable and beginning to flourish, even after the TL3 virus and under the terrible lightening storms. Lilith, an operative of the sanctuary, works to root out, recover or destroy anything that threatens the harmony or destruction of a fragile mother nature. Despite the scientific progress and clean way of living, there are whispers and rumours of those with an ancient and corrupting power, casting a shadow and murdering those of evolved abilities just like her. There are fears of the world ending once more, but if Lilith wishes to stop such a devastating force, then she must be prepared to not only make a sacrifice, but to find out the truth of how it all began. That is when she meets two strangers who have plenty to tell her, but are they really willing to help and support her, or are they simply using her for their own ends?


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A New Age...
by AwSprite