By alienindustry
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • boygroup
  • boys
  • boyxboyromance
  • bxb
  • college
  • friendfiction
  • friends
  • gamers
  • gaming
  • gay
  • lgbt
  • lgbtrights
  • meetup
  • poly
  • polyamory
  • pride
  • romance
  • romance-friendship
  • romancestories
  • suspense
  • suspention
  • thrill
  • thriller
  • travel


Four online friends living in four different places plan the meet up of the century. They have been great friends for about six years and counting. All men in their twenties. After an intense game of Call Of Duty, they decide to spend the night talking on discord in a group call until Leo speaks up with a great idea. He told the other boys that it was time they actually met up. They were adults who played games for a living. It's not like they actually had much to do. Besides it's been six years, they needed to meet up at some point and it was now or never. The other three of course agreed without thinking twice. They had everything planned out. This trip was going to take a wild turn when they come visit Leo. Leo has many enemies, more then they realized and bad things were always happening. The three became quickly aware of the situation and became his guard dog. Little did they know, they'd become more than his protector and wanted criminals. One meetup, One trip, one house, one body, One big unforgettable mistake. Nothing ever tends to go the way you wished it did. A million problems and a million secrets will be enough to make the town come crumbling down. Escaping the past isn't as easy it seems to be.


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by alienindustry