Disciple of Fire
By Domaism210
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • challenges
  • danger
  • dark
  • death
  • fantasy
  • friends
  • hero
  • journey
  • magic
  • medieval
  • original
  • survival
  • teenager
  • underdog


(Rated Mature for Violence only.) Prepare to be taken on a journey. One of power, one of sadness, one of anger, pain, happiness, and friendships. Salem grew up in the walls of a large Kingdom. He was born to a poor family, and lived in the outermost ring of the walls, of which there were three. Struggles and hardship followed him, until it was time for the Ceremony. Soon after turning fourteen, he, as well as every other last child of the same age, were brought before the King. The Ceremony consists solely of the King passing on judgment to each of these children. What that means, Salem couldn't be sure, but he looked forward to this day, for as long as he could remember. That is until it was his turn. As he steps before the King, he soon comes to realize how wrong he thought before.

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by Domaism210