Emperor's Arme...
By KageNishi
  • Historical Fiction
  • alternatehistory
  • army
  • drama
  • empire
  • historical
  • history
  • homedrama
  • japan
  • military
  • navy
  • samurai
  • sengoku
  • timetravel
  • warfare
  • warships


"Are we 400 years in the past?" In December 1941, with the outbreak of the Greater East Asia War, the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy units that were moving by sea to capture Malaya and the Philippines were astonished. It took them some time to understand the bizarre situation and gather more information, and it was then they finally realized that they were in Philippines in December 1541. For the time being, the armed forces' main unit, using the Philippines as a temporary base, headed for their homeland of Japan. Under the tumultuous Sengoku period, they were to rescue the impoverished Emperor and restore the ailing state of the nation. This event had a tremendous impact on the various entities in Japan at the time, and furthermore, it gradually influenced the world, changing the course of history. Also among them was a naval ensign named Shoichi Kamisato. He was prepared to die in the war against the United States, but as he lived in the Sengoku period, he started a family, and that family fostered further human connections. Some of these people would go on to become famous in history. And those who were famous in history also lead different lives from their historical counterparts. This is a story spanning more than 80 years. PS: I did not write the story, this is a fan translation of the webnovel made by Yamaga (山家). Please support the author. One chapter contains multiple Syosetu posts at once. Original title: 戦国に皇軍、来訪す (Sengoku ni Kōgun, Raihō Su) Original release year: 2019


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by KageNishi