Ultimate Damage-2nd
By Fresh_BossPopley
  • Action
  • action-adventure


MY book THat INclUdEs FigHtInG...More than 900 years ago a long clash between two sides of nature sprung havoc on the planet. The force defied all natural order of life and only those who could bear this period was able to survive until a greater chaos descended. Malice was imprinted upon mankind as the dark centuries of war ended. This malicious and Chaotic beast by the name of Olympa awoke from the deepest slumber in the fetish for carnage. Ultimately the world escaped a certain doom. A male given the name of Nemo and Alpha was the force of nature that collided into each for the past centuries they were blamed for awakening true malice, (Olympa). Nemo in his dying breath used his special divine shield barrier to divide a isolated set of islands and saved a quarter of mankind. This Barrier was what protected the people from Olympa's Deadly attacks and later known as the Bermuda Triangle- An isolated set of island's that is not classified as in the world of the living but, Para norm. As for alpha, he used his divine sealing spell to turn himself into Ecclesiast Tamboran Volcano ultimately, sending the malicious beast back to hell. All those event's took place and some human's that was unfortunate in being in the barrier somehow survived. Those human's are classified as the Outer world people. The one's in the Bermuda Triangle was classified as the Inner world people and division in the world brought on later on warfares when people escaped the triangle or reach into the triangle. The son of Nemo Aligaabre -(Daquando Tamano De-El Salvador Aligaabre) would soon acquire the worlds greatest weapon from all times to help in restoring true peace to mankind, though the events that will take place throughout his journey will be far more than one's nightmares could have possibly be.

UD 154: Lionce The Magnet! Provoked Wrath Of A Zion

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by Fresh_BossPopley