By PinkDreamWalker818
  • Science Fiction
  • aliens
  • alternateuniverse
  • bdsm
  • bisexual
  • eros
  • eroticromance
  • lost
  • lostlove
  • love
  • lovers
  • lovestory
  • pansexual
  • polyamory
  • queer
  • romance
  • saving
  • slave
  • space
  • trauma
  • unbreakable


***Warning: Heavy Sexual Content*** I was told if I wrote it down... I would be able to remember more. Felice told me that, in order for me to better control my Eros, I needed to understand myself and in order to better understand myself I needed to understand my past. I laughed and held her closer to me, not truly taking what she said to heart. Instead reveling in the new sensations of the then. The then that still dances in my dreams. The then that had them. Well... here it is. Fragments. Memories. Here within these pages. I do it for her. I do it for him. I do it for them. My earliest memories as a child were that of being a slave. I had always been viewed as the perfect doll to assist those in power with their day to day needs. Sanguinaire 818 was a place where the rich aristocrats enjoyed their lavish lifestyles and lusts by stripping away every single freedom a lesser being could possess and claiming it for their own. No control. However, I had no reason to wish for those things as I had never experienced them before. I had nothing and was nothing. I have very few memories. Gregory... he said it was likely because my soul put up a shield; something to protect the fragile parts of myself. At one time, he was the reason I could lower one time. I digress. Before the Eros, this was a gift. All that I was. All that I could be was locked away and hidden for survival and I was in a state of impassiveness. However, the Eros requires of me that I heal my past. If only I could remember. May this journal act as my last chance to conquer my past and create a future where I can be free from myself. Able to save those I love rather than be the cause of their downfall. Well... here I go.

Entry 1: The Two Queens

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by PinkDreamWalker818