MyccoHaccers: Ephem...
By RandoPlants
  • Science Fiction
  • apocalypse
  • dystopian
  • mycelium
  • post-apocalypse


Having destroyed their environment with radiation and pollution, humanity takes refuge inside Bawb-a-Pop - a collossal 8 mile wide structure capable of sustaining 1.5 billion people; With mycelium as its main ingredient, this living structure is capable of adapting to its environment, and is specially suited to maximize the growth of food and materials within a closed system. Its architect, the great Welsh mycologist and engineer Gwythyr ap Gwyrdd, created it as a temporary home while the world's remaining scientists worked to create a fleet of starships. We would finally take to the stars and hope our problems wouldn't follow us. Centuries on, and Jestin T-084* is born into that magnificent terrarium; struggling to adapt to the strictly controlled society which has evolved within the living structure. In trouble with the authorities over theft of food and other major infractions, they are sent down into the bowels of the earth to repair the all important exhaust ports. But strange things rumble through the pipes, and there's no telling what Jestin will encounter next....

Gwythyr's Work

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by RandoPlants