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By SafetyDoggo123
  • Fanfiction
  • arknights
  • crack
  • fiametta
  • isekai
  • justpurebullshittbh
  • nearl
  • salvia


Welcome, to a Journey of 4 teenagers being isekaied with enough guns to make Victor Bout have a 69 day continuous orgasm and the Cowardly ATF to fucking die instantly. We're talking fully-semi-automatic-assault-black-polymer machine guns. 9mm lung obliterators so powerful it's even causing Chief Wei and Chen to shit their pants. Move over weeb-ass maidenless skiny isekai protagonsts, we're going full AMERICA on this bitch. Prepare your Guns, Hotdogs, Horses, and light up your crackpipes and stir your Jamaican magic mushroom tea. ----- A/N: This is a shitpost that only exists because of a joke on a discord server. I'm not even gonna try to follow cannon or take this seriously in any way so take this with at least 55 spoonfuls of raw sodium chloride. Also, this is not a Crackfic, this is a Salvia powered adventure. Inspired (very vaguely) by "Lost Cause" on AO3 and much more so by "Arknights Isekai - Social Outcasts, one to another" on FFN.

why did I write this

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by SafetyDoggo123