Run Away, Love (Cin...
By mechanic_lady
  • General Fiction
  • adult-content
  • adultlanguage
  • adultromance
  • adultthemes
  • elite
  • hotguys
  • lovehaterelationship
  • lovestory
  • marriage
  • mechaniclady
  • romance
  • romancestories
  • series


Sophie Elizalde is one of the prettiest faces in Aurora. She's turning 35, rich, with her own company to run, and has a long-time hot boyfriend, Drake Mondragon. But what puzzles the Cinderella Elders is the fact that Sophie is not thinking about marriage yet. Drake on the other hand is frustrated to tie Sophie to marriage. He was sure that Sophie loved him since high school. There is no man for Sophia Elizalde but him. Can he make Sophie consider marriage if he made her pregnant or it will only make her run far from him? For how long can he wait just to keep his Cinderella? This is the second book of the Cinderella Series Image: free of use, Pexels Edit: J. Natividad

Run Away, Love

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Run Away...
by mechanic_lady