Under the same sky
By tinafication
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • chaos
  • fate
  • fear
  • grief
  • maze
  • path
  • romance
  • sky


In the ocean of need, Jean was helpless. She was drowning, already losing her hope to survive. Little did she know, a beacon of light named Wayne emerged to guide her. Wayne, a man burdened by his own misery, was determined to prevent her from experiencing the same pain he endured. In an island of peace, he provides her a new home. A new life to live with, an island where they got to value each other's worth until their feelings formed. But as the feelings grow, fate seemed determined to keep them apart. Life threw obstacles their way, forcing them to part ways in order to grow individually. Under the same sky they use to admire, they face their own storms separately. Choosing to cut their ties with the hope that their roads would cross again someday. In a tortuous fate we use to deal, will they able to survive without each other? BC: Sollunalight

Under the same sky

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Under the...
by tinafication