Xiaolin Meowster (C...
By ThePowerPikachu
  • Fanfiction
  • chaseyoung
  • episode
  • heylin
  • kitty
  • xiaolinshowdown


The Xiaolin monks have reached a level where Master Fung can no longer teach them. Instead, they are going to be taught by a new Master. This Master decides to tell the monks the whole story behind Chase Young turning evil to warn them of the dangers the level of Xiaolin Dragon brings. They learn of a third student who trained alongside Guan and Chase. They also learn that this third student was Grand Master Dashi's adopted daughter and Chase's only love and how her death is what caused Chase to give in to the Heylin side. After learning the truth, the monks end up delving deeper finding out that there was more to it than they could ever imagine. Will they be able to right the wrongs of the past? Or will they end up victims of the future?


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Xiaolin M...
by ThePowerPikachu