Lily Winchester
By CaptainChilledChaos
  • Random
  • castiel
  • dean
  • family
  • gabriel
  • hunters
  • impala
  • sam
  • sister
  • spn
  • supernatural
  • winchester


“Daddy?” Lily asks from the doorway, staring at his crumpled form. Looking toward the ceiling, Lily’s eyes widen and she lets out a screech of terror. “Mommy!” Mary's body bursts into flame. The fire spreads over the ceiling. John stares, frozen. Until he hears the sound of Sam and Lily’s wails. John, reminded he's not alone, gets up and scoops Sam out of his crib, and rushes out of the room and into the hallway Dean wakes up to a scream and runs down the hall to investigate. “Daddy!” he yells John shoves Sam at Dean. “Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!” Dean turns and runs with Sam down the stairs, John turns back to the nursery and picks up Lily’s sobbing body. He looks to the ceiling. “Mary!” The entire room is on fire, and Mary herself can barely be seen. John’s eyes widen “Mommy!” Lily’s eyes take a last look at her mother’s body as John carries her out of the house. Dean runsoutside, holding Sam. “It’s okay, Sammy.” He says as he rocks his brother. Dean turnsto look up at Sam's window, which is lit with gold. John’s figure runs across the lawn, he puts his hand on Deans back and leads them both away. “I gotcha.” He says. Dean looks up at his sister’s shivering form. “Lily?” Dean asks. Wide, tear-filled eyes meet his own. “She’s gone.” She whispers Fire explodes out of Sam's nursery window.


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Lily Winc...
by CaptainChilledChaos