The mate finding sp...
By AlexaRD5
  • Fantasy
  • bearshifter
  • love
  • matefindingspell
  • mates
  • powers
  • romance
  • soulmates
  • spell
  • vortex
  • werebear
  • witches


*Short story* 35 years old, unmated, werebear Dima Misha has lost all his hope of ever finding his mate. Sulking around bars and making his mother's head in during his drunken stupors, after seventeen years he finally accepted his mateless fate, but his mother wasn't going to accept it. The crazy witch, yes, witch, because she is a literal witch, dragged him out of his cave by his bear's ear and hauled him all the way back to her house where she performed a spell that sucked him inside a weird vortex and next thing Dima knows, he is landing butt naked on his mate's bed. Poor Oksana was bedridden with fever when a naked man fell on top of her. She didn't even have the strength to scream if it wasn't her sister coming inside her room with a tray of soup and screaming for her.

Chapter 1 - Vortex

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The mate...
by AlexaRD5