Dragon warriors were beings that looked human but possessed the powers of the mystical and powerful dragon. Five kinds of dragon warriors existed in the world back then, the fire dragon warriors, the earth dragon warriors, the water dragon warriors, rivers and oceans, the air dragon warriors, and finally the most powerful of all dragon warriors, the golden dragon warrior. Unlike other dragon warriors golden dragon warrior existed within a generation and the power of a golden dragon warrior was one that could not be rivaled by any other dragon warrior as the golden dragon warrior had the power to control all the four elements, fire, water, earth and air but also possessed the golden energy, a form of power greater than every other power that existed in the land. The golden dragon warrior was a warrior of peace and for years maintain peace in all lands but all that changed when the Aribonus arrived. Aribonus was dragon warrior unlike any other, not only could Aribonus control all of four elements like the golden dragon warrior but he also possessed dark energy, a form of power that could only corrupt and destroy. Aribonus sought to use his incredible power to conquer the entire world and the golden warrior's power alone was not enough to stop him. In the end took the combined effort of all dragon warriors alongside the golden dragon warrior to stop the Dark Dragon Lord from conquering all the nations of the world but their victory did not come without a great loss.
Chapter 1