His World
By bigbaby2233
  • Fantasy
  • betrayal
  • book
  • boss
  • love
  • mofiaboss
  • sora
  • sorasimmons
  • vampire
  • vampireromance
  • violince


Raye is a hard working collage student she lives a pretty routine life school ,work then back home. she's been a loner most of her life and has no family, only her best friend resse and mrs. Maggie the owner of the café. Resse and reya have been together since they met at the orphanage. reya was picked on alot because of her dreams and how much the scared her, resse always protected reya and defended her and they have been inseparable ever since. Reya doesn't really have a love life maybe she hasn't found anyone who really caught her eye, that is until she bumps into Sora at the university. something about him pulls her to him. mysterious and handsome. she can't help but get butterflies every time he's near, but when reya is hurt at a party the truth about sora and reyas past comes to light things get weird and reyas dreams have started again but when a handsome stranger comes into the picture things start to change. What does this mean for reya and sora what is reyas past what does the dreams mean.

chapter 1

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His World
by bigbaby2233