TAQDEER (meant to b...
By KhadijatUmar577
  • Romance
  • arewa
  • coffee
  • fiction
  • fulani
  • hausa
  • heartbreak
  • islamicfiction
  • islamiclovestory
  • islamicromance
  • memories
  • nigeria
  • northerndownpour
  • northernnigerianstories


#BOOK ONE OF THE MUSLIMAH'S SERIES He met her just when he thought no woman could ever crush his ego, an egotistical conceited jerk he is and a billionaire Casanova with a dark past which always haunt him to the core.. "Do me the favour of taking my last name.l wanna nikkah you'he said to her witha smirk "I would rather my nikkah be done with the Nigeria version of humood alkudeer than to marry an unrefined egoistical pompous show off and self opinionated human being like you,a self-conceited dirtbag who think he's God's gift to women " she spat out in a harsh tone "We both know its the opposite baby wife, you want me just as all other ladies do, and we both know l'm hot, plus who wouldn't want the Nigeria version of karan luthra from kudali bhagya,l mean tallfair,bearded with an athletic figure and not to forget the bucks, fame and fortune of a renown self made billionaire Casanova is also there"'he said with a wink "Am not other ladies and i hate your guts" "Not like I expect you to love it, just be my zawjah for 3 months its gonna be a contract nikkah and pay you while you leave" "You're the most haram person I've ever seen in my lifeway too haram that even the jahannam will feel disgust with your presence in it" "Accept it and I pay you or I trynna find my way in, and you know what I mean"he blurt out to her "I hate you, I hate you so damn much that your


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by KhadijatUmar577