At the Seams
By TheMadMack
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • control
  • death
  • dying
  • madness
  • mccor282
  • philosophy
  • philosphy
  • psychology
  • psytchology
  • trapped


Mary cannot move. She cannot blink or swallow or ask for help. To the real world, she appears to sleep. But she is very much awake and aware of the torture she must endure. Mary suffers from a nightmarish condition—Locked-In Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder resulting from a rather ordinary bump on the head. She struggles within the rotting gulag that was once her body. She strives to get help from her husband, Sam. But what can he do for her, when all of advanced medicine knows little about healing the human brain? Every second is an eon. She is alone--or is she? Who owns the voice that speaks within the echoing chambers of her consciousness? The voice claims to help. But is it just another demon born of her personal hell? Can she hope to survive her new, brutal reality? Will her own wiles carry her intact through the experience? Or will her sanity crumble at the seams?

Chapter 1: Day 1 - 7:30 am

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At the Se...
by TheMadMack